Friday, June 17, 2011

IRS identity theft keeps innocent taxpayers waiting months to receive their refund CLEVELAND - The IRS said there's been a five fold increase in identity theft from 2008 to 2010. While the IRS said the breach is not happening at their offices, they are stuck finding a solution to this costly problem that leaves legitimate taxpayers waiting months for their refund check.

Identity Theft Shield

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The 7 Most Common Needs For Legal Counsel.

Here is my list of what I feel are seven of the most common situations when you should consult an attorney. Can you think of a time when you wish you would've / could've contacted an attorney to help resolve or clear up a situation. If you can please post it in comments.

1. Making a will and living will.

Everyone should have a will, statistics show approximately 70% of all North Americans, 50% of those over 50, do not have a will.

2. Buying, selling or leasing a home

Your real estate agent and lender are not lawyers, they are looking out for themselves, not you.

3. Property disputes

This could include everything from property lines to unreturned borrowed items, to who gets Aunt Minnies silverware (see number one above and solve the silverware dispute).

4. Moving traffic violations

There are many I's to dot and T's to cross in any court proceeding, good representation can save you money and keep your record clear.

5. Any incident of property or bodily injury occurring to or by another person.

A small bump can turn into a major law suit, consulting an attorney up front can prevent some major headaches.

6. Any agreement that requires your signature.

This constitutes a legal agreement, why would you go into a legal agreement without consulting your attorney?

7. Credit or warranty disputes.

Excessive charges and denied warranty issues are common because they are rarely disputed by legal counsel, most try to do it themselves and lose out.

Get unlimited attorney consultations by phone and unlimited document reviews (up to 10 pages each) for any personal situations for less than a dollar a day. Pre-Paid Legal Services

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Identity Theft Nightmare (The Today Show)

This is a frightening story, one that unfortunately could happen to any of us, one that could happen without you even knowing it until the police knock on your door. The part that stood out to me most was at the end of the segment when Matt asked "Where do you go from here?" to which Ms. Sommerville replied "I would like to get some of my legal fees back." Ms. Sommerville was an identity theft victim, who took the proper steps to report her stolen items, yet wound up being arrested for identity theft. She not only suffered financial loss due to the Identity thief, but also due to defending herself for a crime she was the victim of. Identity Theft Shield combined with Pre-Paid Legals Life Events Legal Plan, is the only complete protection available in North America to prevent this type of occurrence from ruining your life. Calculate in your mind what you think Ms. Sommerville's total loss was financially from the identity theft, court costs, and legal fees, not to mention the mental anguish she suffered. Now compare that to the monthly membership fee for a Pre-Paid Legal Life Events Plan combined with Identity Theft Shield which runs less than a dollar a day. Can you really afford not to be without them? Get you Life Events Plan with Identity Theft Shield started today.
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